Last Updated: May 1, 2023


On-site parking: Yes
Number of Accessible Parking spots: 1 with 5 ft. wide access aisle.
Proximity to entrance: 20 ft
Curb: Curb-free access to entrance
Street crossing: No
Cost: Free
Closest public transit stop: Port Transfer stop at N. 1st & Riverside, across the footbridge, serviced by Columbia Area Transit


Step-free access: Yes
Doorway: Lever handle and 66 in. wide double doors
Threshold: ½ in. ledge
Front desk: 43 in. tall and lowered section at 35 in. tall


Flooring: Concrete
Seating options: Backless and armless seating is located all throughout museum.
Stairs: There is a 15-step staircase with railings on both sides by front entrance to upper balcony level, with a lift near the back of museum
Available outlets: Next to front entrance near gift shop
Museum displays: General height of visuals is about 2 ft. Videos have a closed caption option and sound. Text signs are in English, there are no Braille options.


Languages spoken: English

Knowledgeable on ASL: No
Knowledgeable on disability services: Yes

Public Bathroom Access

Location: Located on ground floor
Threshold: Flat
Doorway: Lever handle and 34 in. wide
Occupancy type: Stalls
Accessible stall: Yes. Includes grab bars and room for side transfer. Maneuvering space in stall is about 50 in. by 35 in.
Sink: Does not have knee clearance underneath and top is 3 ft high.
Soap: Located to the right of sink and is 43 in. high.
Hand drying: To the left of the sink and 51 in. high.


Language: English
Videos: None
Large print option: Yes

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