This market full of gourmet food invites you to either fill up your fridge with deliciousness or grab it right there. With a stunning view from their patio, where you can feel the warmth of the sun on your skin, you are sure to have a great time. The restroom features grab bars, and the menu accommodates a number of dietary restrictions.
On-site parking: street parking
Number of Accessible Parking spots: 0
Proximity to entrance: depends on parking spot
Curb: depends on parking spot
Street crossing: depends on parking spot, diagonal parking out front
Cost: free
Closest public transit stop: 500 ft uphill, Downtown White Salmon, Estes & Jewett
Step-free access: yes
Doorway: 36 in
Handle: push/pull
Threshold: no
Seating options: no waiting seating
Elevator: N/A
Music playing: yes
Flooring: firm, even
Tables: 28 ½ in high
Chair type: without arms
Gluten-free options: yes
Vegetarian options: yes
Vegan options: yes
Online: yes
Online menu format: image
Large-print version: no
Braille: no
Languages: English
Knowledgeable on allergens: yes
Languages spoken: English
Knowledgeable on ASL: no
Threshold: no
Doorway: 36 in wide
Handle: push/pull
Gender-Neutral: no
Occupancy type: single stall
Grab Bars: side, behind
Maneuvering Space: 39 in in front of toilet
Sink: 34 in high
Pipes: covered
Location of Soap: side of sink
Height of Drying Possibilities: 54 in high
Baby Changing Station: Women’s restroom
Outdoor patio: at the end of the restaurant, doors leading to balcony
Stairs: no
Flooring: even, firm
Seating options: picnic benches, no elongated ends
Relief area for service animals: no
Language: English
Videos: N/A
Large print option: no
Accessibility plug-in: no