This cute cafe in downtown Goldendale serves a plethora of baked goods made from local ingredients. Enjoy the all-Americana interior over a cup of coffee.
On-site parking: street parking
Number of Accessible Parking spots: 1 spot with access aisle
Proximity to entrance: right outside
Curb: curb cut at accessible parking spots
Street crossing: depends on parking spot, crossways available
Cost: free
Closest public transit stop: S. Chatfield & E. Main, 0.1mil
Step-free access: yes
Doorway: 36 in
Handle: push/pull
Threshold: no
Music playing: yes
Flooring: compact carpet, stone
Seating options: booths, chairs without arms
Tables: 28in high
Gluten-free options: yes
Vegetarian options: yes
Vegan options: yes
Online: no
Languages: English
Knowledgeable on allergens: yes
Languages spoken: English
Knowledgeable in ASL: no
Location: back of dining area
Threshold: no
Doorway: 30½ in
Handle: lever
Gender-Neutral: yes
Occupancy type: single
Grab Bars: behind, side, vertical
Maneuvering Space: 27in in front
Sink: 33in high
Pipes: covered
Location of Soap: side of sink
Height of Drying Possibilities: 34in high
Baby Changing Station: no
Outdoor patio: on sidewalk
Flooring: cement tiles
Seating options: cast iron furniture
Relief area for service animals: no