Wind River Pharmacy provides convenient access with on-site street parking. The pharmacy’s entrance features step-free access through double doors, a treated threshold, and firm, compact flooring. While there are no seating options, the space accommodates easy navigation with a minimum aisle width of 34 inches. The countertop is set at a height of 35 ½ inches, and the staff is happy to assist you with your needs. 



On-site parking: street parking

Number of Accessible Parking spots: 0

Proximity to entrance: depends on parking spot


Street crossing: depends on parking spot

Cost: free

Closest public transit stop: Stevenson Central, 250ft or about a 1 minute walk

Entrance and Shopping Area

Step-free access: yes

Ramp access: N/A

Doorway: double door

Handle: push/pull

Threshold: treated threshold

Flooring: firm, compact flooring with some rugs

Seating options: no

Elevator: N/A

Smallest Aisle Width: 34 in

Countertop: 35 ½ in high

Contact info

280 2nd St, Stevenson, WA 98648, USA

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